Turning In

Turning In
Faith is believing in your possibility

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The subtle mind Unit 5 Part 1

The loving kindness exercise laid the foundation for the subtle mind exercise. When my thoughts are consumed with loving-kindness, happiness, health, and wholeness for myself and everyone else on this planet I am left with a sense of vulnerability, and peace, this sense of peace allows me to tune in to my breath and experience moments of oneness, and the calming of my mind. It was much easier to generate loving-kindness than it is to control and quiet the mind, ever so often I find my mind fixating on some random thought at which point I had to bring my attention back to the breath.   It is quite a challenge to tame the mind:)


  1. I agree with you... I too find it difficult to tame the mind and have to revert my attention to my breath. I think the only reason I can successfully make it through these meditations is the primary focus on breathing until my mind gives up and allows it to just be. That's when I am filled with this energy sensation from head to toe. Its almost like I rejuvenated my being.

  2. Hello Joan.

    I agree with you, it is a quite difficult to keep mind still and focused. My mind is always full of random thoughts, so to me this exercise was pretty challenging, plus I have had a technical difficulties with my CD, the sound was terrible! Anyway, I enjoy reading your posts; you have a lot of experience to share with us. I wish though you lived somewhere closer to me, I could use some help and advice of a professional how to get that crazy mind of mine under control, lol. Looking forward to read some more of your posts.

    Thank you.

  3. Joan,

    Loving Kindness was much easier. The practice fine tuned kindness for me. The subtle mind does take work. It is work badly needed. The mastery of focused thought will be a challenge. The continued practice will improve my ability. I like the idea of using the breathe as a angle.

    Great Post and Picture!


  4. Hi Joan, I like your post and definitely agree with you. My mind has always raced and I have found that this is nearly impossible to stop. I spend most of my day thinking about a million things at once and after awhile, I get mentally exhausted and sometimes become frustrated. My man says that busy minds are a woman thing but I don't know if that's really true or not.

  5. Hi Joan,
    I love your post and agree with you. My mind is very busy and I need to get where I can trained it to get where it needs to be when I'm in mediation. The Dacher cd is working and so relaxing but if only I can stay focus.

  6. Joan,
    Wow that was a well said post. I had a harder time with the loving kindness then this one. As I have said in the past that is because that is a problem area for me. I was completing this exercise and the cd went fuzzy 6 minutes into it. It was much easier for me to focus on my breathing. I did that today on my lunch and felt much better after focusing on my breathing. I have the exact same trouble with my mind wandering but focusing on my chest rising seemed to help me to come back to what I was doing
